On December 12th, the discussion about AI painting by CG painter Wuhe Qilin was on the Weibo hot search list. Wuhe Qilin said that AI painting is a new technology that uses algorithms to generate artworks. He believes that AI painting can help to create more vivid and realistic images, and can also help to reduce the workload of CG painters. He also said that AI painting can help to create more diverse and interesting artworks, and can also help to improve the efficiency of CG painters. He concluded that AI painting is a great tool for CG painters, and it can help to create more beautiful and unique artworks.

The emergence of AI painting tools has caused panic among CG painters who have not yet graduated. AI painting can complete images in a few minutes, which is much faster than traditional painting. This has caused concern that AI painting may threaten the employment of painters. In August this year, Baidu launched the AI painting platform Wenxin Yige, and the generative AI platform “TIAMAT” announced on October 12 that it has completed a multi-million dollar angel round of financing invested by the well-known venture capital institution DCM. This shows that the prospect of AI painting is optimistic and has attracted the attention of capital. CG painters should keep up with the development of AI painting and strive to improve their skills to ensure their employment prospects.

Harper’s Bazaar, one of the five major fashion publications, recently celebrated its 36th anniversary by inviting AI painters to create surreal images that combine traditional oriental culture with modern elements. Designer Li Mitao noted that the entire process only took two weeks, demonstrating the effectiveness of AI drawing tools in the fashion industry. AI painting tools are becoming increasingly popular in the fashion world, allowing for the creation of unique and eye-catching images in a fraction of the time it would take to create them manually.

AI paintings have become increasingly popular in the market, with posts selling AI paintings appearing on Xianyu and positions for AI assistants being created on recruitment software. In just half a year, AI has reached the skill level of ordinary people, making it a threat to designers who have to compete with AI.

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