The Solana network experienced a forking event early Saturday morning New York time that throttled users’ ability to execute transactions. According to Solana Explorer, the network was processing about 93 transactions per second near 2:00 AM east coast time, significantly lower than the network’s rate near 5000 TPS some 15 minutes prior. This low throughput prevented users of Solana from conducting any on-chain activity, from trading to transferring assets. Validator operators and representatives from Solana Foundation as well as Solana Labs are coordinating a response to the “long forking event”, which is yet to be determined.

To address the issue, Solana engineers and validators are discussing a range of options, including a potential network restart or a software downgrade. No consensus has been reached yet, but the team is working to determine the root cause of the forking and find a solution. The issue is causing disruption to the network, but the team is confident that they will be able to resolve the issue and restore the network to its normal functioning state.

The network was processing about 93 transactions per second, far below the network’s rate of 5000 TPS just 15 minutes prior. It is unclear what caused the “long forking event” and validator operators, representatives from Solana Foundation and Solana Labs are coordinating a response. This event has caused users to be unable to conduct any on-chain activity, from trading to transferring assets, and has caused disruption to the network. Solana is working to resolve the issue and restore the network to its normal functioning state.

The Solana network experienced a forking event, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the network’s ability to process transactions. At 2:00 AM east coast time, the network was processing only 93 transactions per second, compared to the usual rate of 5000 TPS. This caused users to be unable to conduct any on-chain activities, such as trading or transferring assets. The Solana team is currently investigating the cause of the forking event and is working to restore the network to its normal performance levels. In the meantime, users are advised to be patient and to monitor the Solana Explorer for updates.

Validator operators and representatives from Solana Foundation and Solana Labs are coordinating a response to determine the root cause of the forking. Possible solutions include a network restart or a software downgrade, though no consensus has been reached yet. The Solana blockchain is a high-performance, open-source blockchain platform designed to enable developers to build decentralized applications with speed and scalability. It is the first blockchain to use a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, allowing validators to earn rewards for securing the network. The Solana team is working to ensure the network remains secure and reliable for users.

Validators and Solana engineers are discussing potential solutions, including a network restart or a software downgrade, but have not yet reached consensus. The root cause of the forking is still being determined, and the Solana network is still confirming blocks, but validators are at risk of running out of memory until the issue is resolved. Solana engineers are working to find a solution and are coordinating their efforts in a Discord channel.

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Blockchain has been an integral part of my life, having witnessed its various cycles of tech and adoption explosions, bulls and bears at different times, glad to be on this exciting ride and will continue to play my part to help some of you navigating the space.